Or, the US Presidential Election through the Looking Glass.
It is now time, after two years of phoney war, for America to decide who gets to sit and weep on top of the smoking wreckage of the United States that Dubya leaves behind him.
And what a choice it is! Will you go for TweedleDem, the charismatic young black man, or TweedleRep, the heroic old white man?
Or will you, God forbid, actually decide who to vote for on the issues rather than on telegenics?
Let's have one final look at the issues:
If elected, Barack Obama will maintain the Federal Reserve.
So will John McCain.
If elected, Barack Obama will maintain the income tax levels and the commensurate level of federal spending, despite America's massive debt burden.
So will John McCain.
If elected, John McCain will continue the "War on Terror", and will likely expand its arena of conflict to include Pakistan and Iran.
So will Barack Obama.
If elected, John McCain will perpetuate the post-9/11 agencies and legislation which erode civil liberties.
So will Barack Obama.
If elected, Barack Obama will try to prevent normal market corrections, such as falling property prices, failures of unsound businesses, and liquidation of bad debt, thereby likely making the recession into a deep depression.
So will John McCain.
If elected, John McCain, will maintain the CIA, the FDA, military spending and overseas black ops interventions in the sovereignty of other countries.
So will Barack Obama.
If elected, Barack Obama will continue to offer unlimited American economic and military support to Israel, despite their occupation of Palestinian territory and daily breaches of human rights and UN declarations, leading to Muslim resentment worldwide.
So will John McCain.
If elected, John McCain will proceed with the unwinnable 'War on Drugs', which has so far wasted billions of dollars, created black markets and criminality, and made the USA the most incarcerated and addicted country on Earth.
So will Barack Obama.
If elected, John McCain will keep U.S. troops in Iraq indefinitely with no withdrawal date set.
So will Barack Obama.
If elected, John McCain will keep funding the American global military presence and its bases in more than half of the world’s sovereign countries.
So will Barack Obama.
If elected, Barack Obama will promise education, healthcare and welfare provision that cannot actually be paid for without either raising taxes high or borrowing money that frankly does not currently exist on the capital markets.
So will John McCain.
If elected, John McCain will start drilling for oil in Alaska, off-shore and wherever else the USA can lay their hands on this dwindling resource.
So will Barack Obama.
Will there be change you can believe in this time tomorrow? Probably not.
After all, there isn't even a choice you can believe in. Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber are pleading for your votes, America. And they represent exactly the same policies.
As Bill Hicks once said, "It's the same guy holding up both puppets!"
Listen to Bill before you vote, y'all.
Puppet on the left it is so. Change, reform, etc... they're all just buzz words designed to appeal to the uninformed masses. If people actually looked into policies and agenda, you know, really scrutinized their candidates, then neither of these people would be in contention for the White House. Oh well. The pointless shuffle of mankind continues.
Howdy JC. Take your point, but has Obama not indicated that he would withdraw from Iraq, rather than tough it out for years hoping to achieve some sort of military victory, as McCain might have attempted to do?
Hi Gombeen Man.
Obama has said he'd seek to sit down with the Iraqis to set a withdrawal date. McCain wasn't keen on setting a withdrawal date in conjunction with anyone else.
In any case, both positions are irrelevant, given the success of Petraeus recently. The war in Iraq is virtually won, and the major issue now will be achieving a transition to stable governance without US military presence.
Biden favours a three state solution (Kurdistan, Shia state, Sunni state), which obviously benefits his great pals Israel.
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