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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The limitless powers of the banksters

There's been little point posting about the toing and froing over the treacherous sell-out of Ireland. The minutiae are so much less important than the Dail vote on the budget on December 7th.

Either the Dail votes that crap down, and we get an election and the chance to renegotiate this gun-at-the-head bailout of billionaires, or we become a serf-nation of slaves in debenture perpetually to big banksters.

Anyhow, I've been more concerned about the true extent of big banking's powers. Ok, we now know that they hold more sway with the IMF than sovereign nations. But we knew that decades ago. What's new is that they hold more sway with the EU than with its constituent nations. That's disturbing to say the least.

But what's really concerning is the Interpol warrant for the arrest of Julian Assange of Wikileaks on charges of sexual assault. The details of the charges aren't the issue - Assange is accused of raping a woman in Sweden during sex which began as consensual - so much as the timing.

Wikileaks has been involved in some major leaks of secret documents in recent times. Lets review the biggest ones:

1. The files on US torture of Iraqis. Response? Virtually nothing.
2. Details of the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Response? Some PR posturing by the US.
3. The recent release (after a lengthy warning it was coming) of US diplomatic documents. Response? Angry statements by Hilary Clinton.

And now? Wikileaks threatens to release secret documents from a major US bank. Response? Interpol arrest warrant.

The more paranoid out there suspect all sorts of things, from Assange being a CIA plant to the victim of a deliberate honey trap. My response to the conspiracy theorists is to file away their crazier ideas for future thriller plots.

But there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the timing of this Interpol intervention stinks. Assange has been interviewed by Swedish authorities who repeatedly (ironically?) leaked the details to Swedish tabloids. He spoke to them recently from Britain by Skype, offering to conduct further interviews in a Swedish embassy. They refused.

Now, almost as soon as Wikileaks threaten to blow the lid on a major US bank, there's an Interpol warrant issued for his arrest.

It appears that the powers of the banksters truly are limitless and that they have sway over not only national but supranational agencies like the EU, IMF and Interpol.

Things are looking bleak, not only for Julian Assange, or for the Irish people, but for everyone on Earth who is not a major bankster right now.

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