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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nigga Moment

Aaron McGruder has copped a lot of flak in recent times, partly for cancelling his strip cartoon 'The Boondocks' and partly for the content of it and its spin-off animation series.

Both feature two lil' black kids trying to find their way in contemporary American society. One is a politically aware advocate of black consciousness, the other aspires to be a gangsta.

Needless to say, the scenarios that McGruder has created for his protagonists have inflamed quite a lot of people, Stateside.

Sadly, there is no indication of 'The Boondocks' series making its way across the Atlantic just yet. But as a taster of what he offers, let me provide you with the 'Nigga moment'.


Bock the Robber said...

Jesus Christ, that's brilliant.

Could we have one of them for Moyross?

Skobe Moment.

JC Skinner said...

"Skobe moments are the third biggest killer of skangers after Abrabekebabra and adulterated heroin..."
I can see it now!